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viet nam socialist party
越南社会党  detail>>
viet nam
 n.  越南〔亚洲〕。   detail>>
越南  detail>>
address of stay in viet nam
停留在越南的住址  detail>>
bao anh viet nam
越南画报  detail>>
hinh anh viet nam
越南画报  detail>>
hinh anh viet-nam
越南画报  detail>>
international conference on viet nam
越南问题国际会议  detail>>
le viet-nam nouveau
新越南报  detail>>
local governments of viet nam
地方政府  detail>>
national assembly of viet nam
国会  detail>>
national bank of viet-nam
越南国家银行  detail>>
national day (viet nam)
越南国庆日  detail>>
orderly departures viet nam
有秩序地离开越南  detail>>
phu nu viet nam
越南妇女报  detail>>